Today I’m offering a peek at a recent event SILMAR Brands asked me to photograph featuring Kwiat Diamonds and Frances Valentine.
The occasion was the golf-themed 40th birthday party of Mr. John Finn, held on a rooftop in Chicago’s River West neighborhood, with a magnificent skyline view. (It rained before the party started and a little later in the evening, but, blessedly, the sun was out for a couple of hours before sunset, so everyone could enjoy the views and we could do portraits against the skyline.)
Fifty guests gathered to help John celebrate the first birthday he’s ever been excited for— and let me just say, I love this energy. Celebrating our age should be a more common attitude, so thanks to John for doing his part to light that path. Dinner was catered by Chicago classic Tufano’s Vernon Park Tap, and everybody got Finn40 hats, custom-made in Colombia by SILMAR, as favors.
And, of course, the most sparkly part of the evening were the featured brands worn by the VIP ladies— Kwiat Diamonds and Frances Valentine. Megan wore a fabulous Kwiat ring (pictured above) as well as the most cheerful Frances Valentine pink patterned ensemble. And OMG she wore Frances Valentine’s recently launched (SILMAR-produced) fragrance, Patio, which, truly, I wish email were scratch-and-sniff, I just want you to experience it. It’s so fresh and clean and just everything I look for (sniff for?) in a fragrance. Seriously, I was sold at first whiff.
Megan, Susan, Mikey, Jacqueline, and Katelyn all wore a combination of Kwiat pieces, including delicate diamond-encrusted bangles— which would be perfect for daily wear, I couldn’t help but notice— and earrings and necklaces in pink and green from their Argyle Collection.
It was a really sweet and beautiful evening, and I’m just delighted that my work allows me to document such wonderful experiences for my clients. Happy 40th to John, and much gratitude to SILMAR Brands for having me there!

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